viernes, abril 01, 2005

2 Gb en Gmail

Es cierto que algo nos esperábamos en fecha tan señalada (1 de abril) de Gmail...
La sorpresa ha sido la duplicación de la capacidad: 2 Gb.
Lo curioso es que dicho incremento se está realizando paulatinamente. Ahora mismo (18:25) tengo 1,411 Gb.
Y por lo que podemos ver la cosa no se va a quedar ahí...

Además existen novedades en los e-mails enviados:
We're not in the plains anymore
Fonts, bullets and highlighting, oh my! Gmail now offers rich text formatting. And over 60 colors of the rainbow. Discover a land of more than just black and white.
Yes. You can customize Gmail messages with rich formatting. Add color to your greetings, underline key points, or make your words bold. Here's how to enhance your messages:

  1. Click 'Compose Mail' at the top of any Gmail page.
  2. Click the icon for the formatting feature you'd like to use in the formatting toolbar above the compose window. If you don't see any icons, click 'Rich formatting >>' to display all formatting options.
  3. Type your message! (Please note that Gmail doesn't recognize HTML tags inserted in the body of a message.)

*If you decide you'd like to write a message in plain text format, just click '<<>

Gmail's Formatting Options
Bold Bold - bold all or some of your message
Italics Italics - italicize all or some of your message
Underline Underline - underline all or some of your message
Font Font - select a special font
Font Size Font Size - change the font size of all or some text
Font Color Font Color - change the color of all or some text
Background Color Background Color - change the background color of a message
Remove Formatting Remove Formatting - remove formatting from selected text
Hyperlink Text Hyperlink Text - hyperlink the selected text
Numbered List Numbered List - create a numbered list in your message
Bulleted List Bulleted List - create a bulleted list in your message
Indent Less Indent Less - move text closer to the left of the page
Indent More Indent More - indent text further to the right of the page
Quote Text Quote Text - format a block of text as a quote
Left Align Left Align - align text along the left side of the page
Center Align Center Align - align text in the center of the page
Right Align Right Align - align text along the right side of the page

Rich formatting is not available in Gmail's basic HTML view or in your signature settings.

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