domingo, julio 12, 2015

Nueva York a escala

Vía me entero que en el Museo de Arte de Queens tienen una maqueta de Nueva York a escala 1:1.200. La denominan Panorama of the City of New York.

Empecemos viendo qué aspecto tiene:

Sí, es enorme. 9.335 square feet lo que equivale a 867 metros cuadrados, poco más de tres pistas de tenis [1]

Y el nivel de detalle es, simplemente, espectacular.

The Panorama was built by a team of more than 100 people working for the great architectural model makers Raymond Lester & Associates over the course of three years.

Each of the city’s 895,000 buildings constructed prior to 1992 and every street, park and some 100 bridges are represented and assembled onto 273 individual sections comprising the 320 square miles of New York City

Interesante cómo se aseguran el futuro económico de la maqueta. Lo denominan ADOPT-A-BUILDING:
In the spring of 2009, the Museum launched its Adopt-a-Building program aimed at securing the future of the model while simultaneously bringing it up to date. For as little as $50, real estate on the Panorama can be “purchased,” with property owners receiving a deed in exchange for their donation.

Impresionante, ¿verdad?

Las fotos son de Shinya Suzuki (Flickr)

[1] Las medidas oficiales de una pista para dobles son 23.97 m x 10.97 m

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