domingo, septiembre 23, 2012

Ponerse las pilas

Batteryshowdown publica una interesante comparativa de pilas, Project: Battery Showdown.

Si bien las pilas más caras obtuvieron los mejores resultados - tal es el caso de las Energizer Ultimate Lithium- es bastante interesante ver que económicamente lo caro sale caro, especialmente  las pilas con los calificativos  long life y extended power.
Generalizing the results for both low and high drain conditions, lithium batteries were better than alkaline, which were both better than zinc AA cells. Perhaps unsurprisingly, batteries marketed as ‘long life’ and ‘extended power’ were the worst batteries for the money, but a brand-name battery – the Kodak Xtralife cells – were actually the best value for the money.
Me sorprende la poca diferencia de duración dentro de las pilas alcalinas. Sobre las 10 horas en la prueba realizada.

Vía Lifehacker: Buy the Best AA Batteries for Your Money.

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