viernes, mayo 20, 2011

In Focus: la provocadora "Revolucion española"

Ya saben que para este blog tanto in Focus como The Big Picture son dos excelentes sitios para ver fotos espectaculares.
Pues bien, esta vez in Focus dedica una coleccion de 33 fotos a lo que titulan A Defiant 'Spanish Revolution'.
Y este es su comentario inicial:
Ever since Sunday, May 15th, residents from many cities around Spain have been demonstrating against the country's ongoing financial crisis, its politicians, and its bankers. The spontaneous protests are the largest since the country plunged into recession in 2008, and they're made up mainly of young people who have set up camps in main squares across the country. Called "los indignados" (the indignant), the May 15 Movement, or simply 15-M, they are fueled by frustration with austerity measures, apparent indifference from politicians, and serious joblessness. Spain's unemployment rate for those under 25 stood at 43.5 percent as of February -- the highest youth unemployment rate in the 27-nation European Union. As Spain enters an election weekend, this collection focuses on some recent scenes of dissent from around the country.

Me ha sorprendido que un medio extranjero tengan claros - de ahí mi subrayado- tanto la espontaneidad de las protestas como su motivación.

Si bien la inmensa mayoría de las fotos corresponden a la protesta en Madrid (en concreto en La Puerta de Sol), también hay fotos de Barcelona y Málaga.

Me ha gustado mucho una pancarta de la foto 18:
La libertad es una conquista diaria.

Veremos en qué acaba todo esto.

Enlace a In Focus: la provocadora "Revolucion española"

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