jueves, mayo 25, 2006

¿Donde está mi USB Pen?

Aunque no sé absolutamente nada de programación, me ha parecido
interesantísimo el post Track Your Stolen USB Pen.

Les pongo en contexto.
Nuestro amigo tiene un USB Pen. Un día se le olvida en un PC de su facultad. Por supuesto, un "amigo de lo ajeno" se lo lleva.
¿Y qué se le ocurre para evitar que le vuelva a pasar?

i came up with an idea of making an Autorun.inf file which would be placed on the drive to automatically run a php script which emails me the IP of the computer which the USB drive was inserted into. I couldn’t get the Autorun.inf file to work with the USB drive, so i created a html file when clicked secretly redirects the browser to a php logger on a server. This method worked great, it would email me the IP address which would directly tell me the computer which had my USB drive in.


Vía Digg

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